Lake Garda Area -- Verona, Bolzano, and Limone, Italy

It is the afternoon of May 16 and we have moved to the Lake Garda region. After checking into our hotel, we took a boat ride on the lake and went to the town of Limone. It was a beautiful little town where they make Lemoncello. We had our evening meal and went back to the hotel.

It is May 17 and we started the day in Verona, Italy which is on the shore of Lake Garda. Our tour guide was a woman in her early sixties that had a great voice and knew her town. She was about five foot even and could out walk any of us. We enjoyed Verona, Italy but the scenery around Bolzano, Italy was breath taking. At Bolzano we got off the bus and went for a mile hike with three stops strictly to look at mountains and valleys. We took another funicular ride from the top of the mountain in Bolzano to the bottom. Very impressive if you were not afraid of heights.

Pictures of Limone, Italy

Pictures of Bolzano, Italy

Pictures of Verona, Italy