Burnie, Australia

It is March 15, 2019 and we are in Burnie, Australia; it is a port city on the northwest coast of Tasmania. It was proclaimed a city by Queen Elizabeth II on April 26, 1988. It has an urban population of 19,385. The key industries are heavy manufacturing, forestry and farming.

Burnie has an oceanic climate with mild summers and cool winters. The average temperature in summer ranges from 54 to 70 degrees F with drier days as warm as 86 degrees F, with around 16 hours of sunlight per day. In winter, temperature ranges from 43 to 55 degrees F, and only 8 hours of sunlight. Relative humidity averages over 60% for the year in the afternoon. The highest temperature recorded was 92.8 degrees F and the lowest was 28.4 degrees F. Average summertime temperatures are 70.7 degrees F, average wintertime temperatures are 43.9 degrees F and the average annual rainfall is 34.04 inches.

Lanee and I toured the country side and city by van with eight other people and enjoyed finding out more about Burnie, Australia.

Crop Production

They produce a lot of different vegetable crops in the northern region of Tasmania. Two crops that I have never seen grown were Poppy (extracted from the straw is material that is used in the production of Morphine and Codeine) and Pyrethrum (oil extracted from the flower head is used to produce an insecticide).

Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake

Statues made from Paper Mache

Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Site

City of Murals

View of the Country Side

Misc. Pictures