As the moon makes its monthly journey in the sky, it passes through one of the 12 constellations that make up the signs of the Zodiac and that vary in their fruitfulness.
The barren signs don't favor planting, but they are good for other routine gardening tasks.
Here's a rundown by Zodiac moon sign:
Zodiac Sign | Symbol | Abbreviation | Body Part Represented | Meaning | Gardening Implication |
Moon in Aries | ![]() ![]() |
ARI | Head | Barren and dry, fiery and masculine. | Used for destroying noxious growths, weeds and pests, and for cultivation. |
Moon in Taurus | ![]() ![]() |
TAU | Neck | Productive, moist, earthy and feminine. | Used for planting many crops, particularly potatoes and root crops, and when hardiness is important. Also used for lettuce, cabbage, and similar leafy vegetables. |
Moon in Gemini | ![]() ![]() |
GEM | Arms | Barren and dry, airy and masculine. | Used for destroying noxious growths, weeds and pests, and for cultivation. |
Moon in Cancer | ![]() ![]() |
CAN | Breast | Very fruitful and moist, watery and feminine. | This is the most productive sign, used extensively for planting and irrigation. |
Moon in Leo | ![]() ![]() |
LEO | Heart | Barren and dry, fiery and masculine. | This is the most barren sign, used only for killing weeds and for cultivation. |
Moon in Virgo | ![]() ![]() |
VIR | Belly | Barren and moist, earthy and feminine. | Good for cultivation and destroying weeds and pests. |
Moon in Libra | ![]() ![]() |
LIB | Reins | Semifruitful and moist, airy and masculine. | Used for planting many crops and producing good pulp growth and roots. A very good sign for flowers and vines. Also used for seeding hay, corn fodder, and the like. |
Moon in Scorpio | ![]() ![]() |
SCO | Secrets | Very fruitful and moist, watery and feminine. | Nearly as productive as Cancer; used for the same purposes. Especially good for vine growth and sturdiness. |
Moon in Sagittarius | ![]() ![]() |
SAG | Thighs | Barren and dry, fiery and masculine. | Used for planting onions, seeding hay and cultivation. |
Moon in Capricorn | ![]() ![]() |
CAP | Knees | Productive and dry, earthy and feminine. | Used for planting potatoes and tubers. |
Moon in Aquarius | ![]() ![]() |
AQU | Legs | Barren and dry, airy and masculine. | Used for cultivation and destroying noxious growths, weeds and pests. |
Moon in Pisces | ![]() ![]() |
PSC | Feet | Very fruitful and moist, watery and feminine. | Used along with Cancer and Scorpio, especially good for root growth. |
First Quarter (increasing or waxing) - Plant annuals producing their yield above ground, which are generally leafy kind that produce their seed outside the fruit. Examples are asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, corn, cress, endive, kohl rabi, lettuce, leek, oats, parsley, onions, spinach, etc. Cucumbers are exception, as they do best in the first quarter rather than the second, even though the seeds are inside the fruit. Also plant cereals and grains. Avoid the first day of New Moon for planting, also the days on which it changes quarters. Grain intended for future use or seed should be harvested at the increase of the moon. For grafting, cut your grafts from good bearing trees at any time while the trees are dormant, from December to March. Keep them cool in a dark place, although not too dry or too damp, until time to use them. Do the grafting just before the sap starts to flow, while the moon is from new to full (first and second quarters), and while it is passing through the fruitful watery signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or the earthy, productive sign, Capricorn.
Second Quarter (increasing or waxing) - Plant annuals producing their yield above the ground, which are generally of the viney kind that produce their seed inside the fruit. Examples include beans, eggplant, melons, peas, peppers, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, etc. These are not hard and fast divisions, If you can't plant during the 1st quarter, plant during the 2nd and vice versa. There are many plants that seem to do equally well planted in either quarter, such as watermelon, hay, and cereals and grains. When possible plant seed while the moon is in the fruitful signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. The next best signs are Taurus and Capricorn. Fruits and vegetables gathered just before Full Moon in the second quarter will usually stand shipment much better than others.
Third Quarter (decreasing or waning) - Plant viennials, perennials, and bulb and roots plants. Also plant trees, shrubs, berries, artichoke, beets, carrots, chicory, onions, parsnips, peanuts, potatoes, radishes, rhubarb, rutabagas, strawberries, turnips, winter wheat, grapes, etc. Dig foot crops for seed in the third quarter of the moon. They will keep longer and are usually drier and better.
Forth Quarter (decreasing or waning) - This is the best time to cultivate, turn sod, pull weeds, and destroy pests of all kinds, especially when the Moon is in the barren signs of Aries, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, and Sagittarius. Pick apples and pears in the old of the moon and the bruised spots will dry up, where if they are picked in new moon the spots will rot. Harvest all crops when the moon is growing old. They will keep better and longer.
Name |
Optimal Planting Sign |
Quarter to Plant |
Asparagus | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st |
Beans | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
2nd |
Beets | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, CAP |
3rd |
Black-Eyed Peas | CAP |
2nd |
Broccoli | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st |
Brussel Sprouts | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, TAU
1st |
Cabbage | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, TAU |
1st |
Cantaloupe | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, TAU |
1st or 2nd |
Carrots | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB
3rd |
Cauliflower | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st |
Celery | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st |
Chard | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st or 2nd |
Chinese Cabbage | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, TAU
2nd |
Collards | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, TAU |
1st |
Corn | CAN, SCO, PSC
1st |
Cress | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st |
Cucumbers | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st |
Eggplant | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
2nd |
Endive | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, VIR, GEM |
1st |
Garlic | SCO, SAG
3rd or 4th |
Garlic Chives | SCO, SAG |
1st or 2nd |
Gourds | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st or 2nd |
Herbs | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st or 2nd |
Horseradish | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st or 2nd |
Jerusalem Artichoke | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
3rd |
Kale | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st or 2nd |
Kohlrabi | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st |
Lettuce | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, TAU |
1st |
Luffas | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st or 2nd |
Muskmelon | CAN, SCO, PSC |
2nd |
Mustard | SCO |
2nd |
Okra | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
2nd or 3rd |
Onions (seed) | SCO, SAG |
2nd |
Onions (sets) | LIB |
3rd or 4th |
Parsnips | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
3rd |
Peas | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
2nd |
Peppers | SCO, SAG |
2nd |
Potatoes | CAN, SCO, TAU, LIB, CAP |
3rd |
Pumpkins | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
2nd |
Radish | CAN, SCO, PSC |
3rd |
Rhubarb | ARI |
3rd |
Rutabagas | CAN, SCO, PSC, TAU |
3rd |
Salsify | CAN, SCO, PSC, TAU |
3rd |
Spinach | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st |
Squash | CAN, SCO, PSC, TAU |
2nd |
Sunflower | LIB |
2nd,3rd,4th |
Sweet Potatoes | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
3rd or 4th |
Tomatoes | CAN, SCO, PSC |
2nd |
Turnips | CAN, SCO, PSC, TAU, CAP |
3rd |
Watermelon | CAN, SCO, PSC |
2nd |
Name |
Optimal Planting Sign |
Quarter to Plant |
Apples | SAG |
2nd or 3rd |
Apricots | TAU, LIB |
2nd or 3rd |
Barley | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB, CAP |
1st or 2nd |
Buckwheat | CAP |
1st or 2nd |
Cherries | TAU, LIB |
2nd or 3rd |
Corn | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st |
Cotton | CAN |
1st or 2nd |
Grapes | CAN, SCO, PSC |
3rd or 4th |
1st or 2nd |
Millet | CAN, SCO, PSC |
1st or 2nd |
Oats | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st or 2nd |
Peaches | TAU, LIB |
2nd or 3rd |
Pears | TAU, LIB |
2nd or 3rd |
Plums | TAU, LIB |
2nd or 3rd |
Rice | SCO |
1st or 2nd |
Rye | CAP |
1st or 2nd |
Soybeans | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
2nd |
Sugar Cane | SCO, CAP, TAU |
1st or 2nd |
Tobacco | ARI |
1st or 2nd |
Wheat | CAN, SCO, PSC, LIB |
1st or 2nd |