July 1, 2002


Callahan, Coleman, and McCulloch Counties have thrashed their wheat plots and results will be posted soon. Weather related problems resulted in wheat plots being lost in Concho, Jones, and Runnels Counties. All six counties conducted wheat tours in May. Summaries from these tests are sent to the cooperating companies that provided the seed. The companies that receive summaries early tend to support our programs favorably each year.

August 22 is the date of the Big Country Wheat Conference that will be held at the Abilene Civic Center. The conferences target audience is mid- to upper-level wheat producer. This meeting will be useful in increasing their wheat production and marketing knowledge. An agenda for this meeting will be sent to you in the near future. Make your plans now to attend.

The publication "Small Grain Production in West Central Texas" has completed a peer review process and is posted as a reference on the San Angelo website. The direct link to the information is http://sanangelo.tamu.edu/agronomy/wheat/wheatprd.htm.


I had the opportunity of speaking at the Southern Rolling Plains Cotton Growers Association, Inc. Conservation Tillage Tour. My topic was Weed ID and Control in Conservation Tillage. I prepared a passout for the tour and then modified it after several producers made recommendations for additions to the list. Linked is the top 25 weed problems in conservation tillage production. If you have any additions for the list, let me know. Each of the smaller pictures are linked to a larger picture.

The publication "Cotton Production in West Central Texas" has completed a peer review process and is posted as a reference on the San Angelo website. The direct link to the information is http://sanangelo.tamu.edu/agronomy/cotton/cotprod.htm.

Weeds and Weed ID

Shown are six weeds that are developing in cropland and barditches at this time.

Hoffmanseggia densiflora

Woolly Croton
Croton capitatus

Solanum rostratum

Hooked Bristlegrass
Setaria adhaerans

Italian Ryegrass
Lolium perenne

Echinochloa colona

Grain Sorghum and Forages

The publication "Grain Sorghum Production in West Central Texas" has completed a peer review process and is posted as a reference on the San Angelo website. The direct link to the information is http://sanangelo.tamu.edu/agronomy/sorghum/gsprod.htm.

Watch out for Prussic Acid and Nitrate Poisoning

I have had several questions about nitrate and prussic acid poisoning concerns due to forage being baled as hay or eaten by livestock. Attached are three different pieces of information on nitrate and prussic acid poisoning that were obtained from the World-Wide-Web. They will make good additions to your information files. Please refer to the following publications for additional information.

Prussic Acid Poisoning:

Nitrate Poisoning:

Pesticide Recertification Training

On Monday, July 8, there will be a training conducted at Abilene for producers needing to obtain a Private Applicators License. For more details and to register for the meeting call Gary Bomar at (915) 672-6048.

If you have a training where CEUs are offered, please let me know.

Monthly Calendar


July 1, District Office, Office Conference
July 2, District Office, Teleconference
July 2, Burnet County, Pesticide Training Meeting
July 4, Holiday
July 8 - 10, Nacogdoches County, TCAAA Meeting
July 15 & 16, Travis County, 4-H Foundation Board Meeting
July 26, District Office, Employee Benefit Meeting
July 27 - 30, Travis County, TAEXSA State Meeting


August 2 - 8, Annual Leave
August 9, Hudspeth County, Pesticide Training Meeting
August 12 - 16, Brazos County, State Staff Conference
August 19, Schleicher County, Small Grains Production Meeting
August 22, Taylor County, Regional Wheat Conference
August 27, Borden and Scurry Counties, Cotton and Forage Field Day


Billy E. Warrick
Extension Agronomist
Texas Cooperative Extension
Texas A&M University System