100 American Companies That Sell USA-Made Products
Advanta proud owners of Garrison & Townsend
BASF Ag Division in USA
Bayer Agriculture Division in the U.S.A.
CDMS (Label and MSDS Information)
CF Industries owner of Terra Nitrogen Company
Channel Seed Brand owner of NC+
ChemFinder Searching
Chemical Industries Manufacturer Directory
Corn and Soybean Digest
Delta and Pine Land Company
--(includes Deltapine, Paymaster, and Sure-Grow)
Dow AgroSciences United States
Farm Journal - AgWeb
FiberMax Cottonseed owned by Bayer Crop Science
FMC Chememical Corp.
John Deere Company
PhytoGen owned by Dow Agro
Pioneer Hi-Bred owned by DuPont
Stoneville owned by Bayer Crop Science