Range Condition: Key To Sustained Ranch Productivity

      Using the technical guide description, twenty percent of the total vegetation will be a combination of sideoats grama, plains bristlegrass, cane bluestem, Arizona cottontop and green sprangletop. Ten percent will consist of a combination of bush muhly and black grama. Sand dropseed will contribute to 10% of the total plant community. The rest of the species contributing to the "climax" plant community are listed in the table.

Table 2 summarizes the actual range condition of a loamy range site on a hypothetical ranch in west Texas. Sideoats grama, plains bristlegrass and cane bluestem made up 26% of the plant community. No Arizona cottontop or green sprangletop was found. Since only 20% of this combination is present in the "climax" community (Table 1), only 20% can be counted toward the condition score in the far right column (Table 2). A total of 10% of the "climax" plant community can consist of a combination of bush muhly and black grama (Table 1). Only 3% (2% + 1%, respectively) was present, thus only 3% is counted toward the condition score (Table 2).

Table 2. Illustration of information collected to determine range condition (example corresponds to Desert Grassland - Loamy Range Site).
Number of Observations Percent Composition Percent Allowed Condition Score
Sideoats Grama 14 7%
Plains Bristle 6 3%
Cane Bluestem 32 16%
Sub-total 52 26% 20% 20%
Bush Muhly 4 2%
Black Grama 2 1%
Sub-total 6 3% 10% 3%
Sand Dropseed 42 21% 10% 10%
Perennial 3-awns 38 19% 15% 15%
Woody Plants
Hackberry 6 3%
Littleleaf Sumac 2 1%
Sub-Total 8 4% 1% 1%
Tarbush 22 11% 2% 2%
Creosotebush 12 6% 0% 0%
Orange Zexmenia 1 .5%
Indianmallow 1 .5%
Sub-total 2 1% 5% 1%
Desert Holly 18 9% 0% 0%
Grand Total 200 100%


Authors: Allan McGinty, Larry D. White