General Description of Commonly Used Grazing Systems |
Grazing system | Herds | Pastures | Comments |
High Intensity - Low Frequency (HILF) | 1 | 4+ | Grazing period > 14 days Rest period > 90 days |
Short Duration Grazing (SDG)
| 1 | 4+ | Grazing period <14 days Rest period <90 days |
| 3 | 4 | Each pasture grazed 12 months, rested 4 months |
| 1 | 2 | Graze periods are 3 months (P-1), then 3 months (P-2), then 6 months (P-1), etc. |
| 1 | 3 - 4 | Graze periods vary from 4 months (4-pasture) to 6 months (3-pasture) |
2 | 3 | Each pasture grazed 6 months, rested 3 months |
Decision Rotation
| a/ | a/ | No set movement |
Year-long Continuous
| a/ | a/ | Pasture grazed continuously year-long |
Seasonal Continuous
| a/ | a/ | Pasture grazed during specific season each year |
a/ No specific number |