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General Description of Commonly Used Grazing Systems
Grazing systemHerdsPasturesComments
High Intensity - Low Frequency (HILF)14+Grazing period > 14 days
Rest period > 90 days
Short Duration Grazing (SDG)

14+Grazing period <14 days
Rest period <90 days

34Each pasture grazed 12 months, rested 4 months

12Graze periods are 3 months (P-1),
then 3 months (P-2), then 6
months (P-1), etc.

13 - 4Graze periods vary from 4 months
(4-pasture) to 6 months (3-pasture)
23Each pasture grazed 6 months,
rested 3 months
Decision Rotation
a/a/No set movement
Year-long Continuous

a/a/Pasture grazed continuously
Seasonal Continuous

a/a/Pasture grazed during specific
season each year
a/ No specific number

Comments: Dr. Allan McGinty
IntroductionCommon ConversionsLivestock HusbandryGrazing ManagementRangeland Weed and Brush ControlSeeding RangelandAddaitional References