Stocking Rate Decisions      

What Factors Affect Stocking Rate Decisions?

The stocking rates selected must enable the ranch to survive financially (meet current obligations and provide for future needs), give satisfactory animal performance and allow for the future regrowth of forage. Many ranchers try to graze the maximum number of animals they believe possible under current and "hoped for" conditions. Then if forage shortfalls and overgrazing occur, they are frequently blamed on drought. In fact, it is not drought nor the amount or distribution of rainfall that is the prime cause of range degradation. The most common cause of degradation is simply that ranchers expect animal productivity from their rangelands to be much higher than is realistic (Pressland and Graham, 1989).

Financial obligations often "force" a rancher into selecting a stocking rate too high for the forage supply available. Then, if rainfall or market prices are not adequate, a crisis develops and the range deteriorates. The financial needs of the ranch must not be allowed to dictate an unrealistic stocking rate. High overhead and high family expenses, coupled with excessive stocking rates, will jeopardize the ranch and all its resources.

Crises usually occur gradually and have many early warning signs. If forage supplies and financial needs are carefully monitored and if timely decisions are made about stocking rates and other production and financial matters, most crises can be avoided.

Once stocking rate decisions are made, they should be implemented as soon as appropriate. If it is projected that there will be a forage shortfall several months in the future, there is time to take action. Ranchers shouldn't get forced into crises that are preventable.

Authors: Larry D. White, Allan McGinty