Sand dropseed [Sporobolus cryptandrus]

Origin: Native to North America
Use: Perennial, warm season, native grass that provides fair grazing for wildlife and livestock.
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Plant Description:
General  Characteristics of Sand Dropseed
Life Span  Perennial
Growth Form  Tall, erect, bunchgrass
Seeding Rate 
40" Rows: 

0.4 pound pure live seed per acre
1.0 pound pure live seed per acre
Planting Date  March-May
Planting Depth less than 0.25 inch
pH requirement 6.6 to 8.0
Rainfall requirement 8 to 16 inches
Soil texture  Sandy: 

Cold Tolerance: High
General  Provides fair grazing for wildlife and livestock.
ID Features:
Habit: 		Perennial, usually in rather small tufts.
Culms: 		40-100 cm. tall, erect, or spreading, sometimes prostrate, glabrous 
                simple or branching below.
Blades: 	6-15 cm. long, 2-5 mm. wide, flat, more or less involute in drying, 
                tapering to a fine point, glabrous beneath, scabrous above.
Sheaths: 	Lower shorter than the internodes, the upper much longer, enclosing 
                the base of the panicle, margins long-ciliate towards the top, with 
                conspicuous tufts of white hairs at the collar.
Ligule: 	A ring of very short hairs.
Inflorescence: 	Panicles terminal and axillary lead-colored or purplish, the 
                well-developed panicles open, 12-20 cm. long, included at base 
                in the upper sheath, or sometimes contracted and wholly included, 
                the branches slender scattered, up to 8 cm. long, bearing 
                short-pediceled spikelets crowded along the outer part of the 
                main branchlets.
Spikelets: 	Pale, purplish or lead-colored, 2-2.5 mm. long, 1-flowered, awnless, 
                rachilla disarticulating above the glumes.
Glumes: 	Scabrous on the keel, first glume one third to one half as long as 
                the second, which is broader and nearly equal to the lemma.
Lemmas: 	Usually longer than the second glume, 1-nerved, acute.
Palea: 		2-nerved, acute, about equaling or a little shorter than the lemma.
Fruit: 		Grain free from the lemma and readily dropping off.
Habitat: 	Sandy open soil.  August-October.
Use: 		Forage
Remarks: 	An abundant element of sand  prairies.
Synonyms:	Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray ssp. fuscicola (Hook.) E.K. Jones & Fassett
		Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray var. fuscicola (Hook.) Pohl
		Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray var. occidentalis E.K. Jones & Fassett
Special Notes:
Sand dropseed [Sporobolus cryptandrus] Information #1
Sand dropseed [Sporobolus cryptandrus] Information #2
Regional Adaptation
Coast Saline Prairie
Coast Prairie
East Texas Timberlands
Claypan Area
Blackland Prairie
East Cross Timbers
West Cross Timbers
Grand Prairie
North Central Prairies
Central Basin
Edwards Plateau
Northern Rio Grande Plain
Western Rio Grande Plain
Central Rio Grande Plain
Lower Rio Grande Valley
Rolling Plains
High Plains