Rose Prickly Poppy

Spiny Pricklepoppy, Red Poppy

Argemone sanguinea Greene

Whole plant
Family : Papaveraceae
Longevity :Annual
Origin :Native
Season :Warm
Like most prickly poppy plants, Rose prickly poppy forms large colonies. The whole plant is extremely spiny and stands up to 48 inches tall. The flower is pink to rosy-lavender and measures approximately 2 3/8 - 3 1/2 inches in diameter. It can be found in disturbed areas, along fences, railroads, and over-grazed pastures with sandy or gravelly soils. This plant's flowering time is approximately between February and May. Although honeybees and other insects use its pollen, it yields very little nectar. The orange-colored sap of this plant is poisonous. Because of the prickles, livestock will leave this plant untouched even during severe droughts. This plant has been used as floral decoration, and the flower has been used in dyes. The seeds are eaten by bobwhite quail and mourning doves.

Whole Plant

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