White Rainlily

Giant Rainlily, Prairie Rainlily, Rainlily

Cooperia pedunculata Herb.

Whole plant
Family : Amaryllidaceae
Longevity :Perennial
Origin :Native
Season :Cool
White Rainlily is found in clayey or sandy soils of the Edwards Plateau and South Texas Plains. It is usually seen one to two days after a rain, hence the name rain-lily. White Rainlily grows from a bulb and reaches twelve inches in height. The leaves are smooth, slender and grass-like. The flower is white and sometimes tinged with pink on the outer surface. White Rainlily has a floral tube one to one and a half inches long, distinguishing it from Cebolleta who has a longer floral tube. It normally blooms from April to September. Rainlily is poisonous to livestock and wildlife. It causes sunburn, crusting an cracking of light colored skin, and their eyes may turn cloudy. It can cause blindness in deer and black cattle.

Whole Plant

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