Red Bud

Low Menodora

Menodora heterophylla Moric.

Whole plant
Family : Oleaceae
Longevity :Perennial
Origin :Native
Season :Warm
Red Bud is a small, erect perennial that grows to be between 2 and 10 inches in height. It can be found in clay, gravel, sandy-loam or caliche soils of the South Texas Plains and the Edwards Plateau. The leaves are deeply lobed, crowded on the stem and approximately an inch long. It derives its name from the bud which is bright red in color before it blooms. The flowers have five petals that are pale yellow in color. The outer side of the petal is streaked with red. The flowers can be found blooming between March and June. Red Bud leaves are eaten by white-tailed deer and quail.

Whole Plant

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