Sour Clover

Annual Yellow Sweetclover, Alfalfilla

Melilotus indicus (L.) All.

Whole plant
Family : Fabaceae
Longevity :Annual
Origin :Introduced
Season :Cool
Sour Clover is an erect annual that reaches a height of six to twenty-four inches. It's leaves are trifoliate and serrated and can each be ½ to 3/4 inches long. Numerous yellow flowers are found on a spike-like raceme which is approximately ½ to 2 inches long. Sour clover is found in the Edwards Plateau and South Texas Plains. Sour Clover is very similar in appearance to Yellow Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis), which is found in the northern part of the Edwards Plateau. Sour Clover can be distinguished from Yellow Sweet Clover by it's smaller flowers and rounded seed pod. Sour Clover blooms from April to June.

Whole Plant

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