Slender Vervain

Blue Vervain, Candelbra Vervain, Sanding Verva, Texas Vervain

Verbena officinale L. ssp. halei (Small) Barber

Whole plant
Family : Verbenaceae
Longevity :Perennial
Origin :Native
Season :Warm
Slender Vervain is an upright, delicate perennial that grows from six to eighteen inches in height. It can be found in sandy or calcareous soils of the Edwards Plateau and South Texas Plains. The leaves are one to three inches in length and vary in shape from the base to the upper portion of the plant. The small flowers are 1/4 inch in diameter, five-lobed and can be pink, bluish-lavender and rarely white. Slender Vervain blooms from March to June. The leaves and stems are eaten by white-tailed deer and cattle. The leaves and seeds are utilized by Rio Grande turkeys.

Flower Stalk
Whole Plant

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