Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK

Oklahoma Alfalfa
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station




Several persons read an article in the Hay and Forage Grower magazine entitled "Berseem Clover Jump-Starts Alfalfa". We have been working with berseem clover along with several other forage legumes to see what is apt to help Oklahoma forage producers.  
Preliminary results show that some varieties of berseem can be planted in the fall and survive the winter very well (for example 'Bigbee' is not hurt by our winter temperatures). On the other hand, some varieties are very sensitive to our winter temperatures. A new variety 'Joe Burton' appears to have been completely killed at three locations this winter.  

While berseem looks like alfalfa in many respects, it is an annual. So, to keep a stand, it will have to be replanted each year or allowed to set seed during the summer.  

John Caddel, Forage Agronomist 
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences 
Oklahoma State University

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