Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK

Oklahoma Alfalfa
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station


The spotted alfalfa aphids is a pest primarily during periods of hot, dry weather. Conditions during August in the southern plains are often highly favorable for population increase of this aphid because it can complete generations in as little as 7-10 days. Established stands should be scouted on a regular basis to detect infestations of spotted aphids in late summer. In alfalfa <10" tall, the economic threshold is just 10 aphids per stem or 100-200 per sweep. Newly planted stands emerging in late August and September should be scouted frequently because as few as 1 aphid per plant can cause serious damage to seedlings. Additional information on field scouting and insecticides registered for aphid control can be found in OSU Extension Facts No. 7150 and OSU Extension Facts No. 7184.
Richard Berberet, Alfalfa Entomologist 
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology 
Oklahoma State University

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