Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK

Oklahoma Alfalfa
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station

Tips for Soil Sampling
Collecting Good Soil Samples for Better Nutrient Management

Use stainless steel probes and plastic buckets to prevent metal contamination. Avoid unusual areas, such as, old lime piles, animal manure piles, trees, etc. Keep sampling tools clean. Do not use buckets that have been used for fertilizer, lime, wood ashes, etc. Follow a random pattern and collect a minimum of 15 core samples throughout the field, regardless of acreage (Fig. 3). Fill out the information tag on each soil bag so fertilizer recommendations are tailored to your specific situation. 

Figure 3. Example of a Random Sampling Pattern 


Hailin Zhang, Nutrient Management Specialist 
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences 
Oklahoma State University

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