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Applied research and demonstration projects require formal reporting either at project completion or at intervals during the project. Report timing and format are usually specified by the agency funding the project. Most report formats include the following information:

Example of a table presenting project results:

Table 1. Crop yields by rotation and tillage type, (Any County, 2001)
Crop Yield
Rotation Tillage Type (bu/ac) Statistical
Continuously Cropped Conventional Tillage 14 a
Continuously Cropped Minimum Tillage 16 a
Continuously Cropped Zero Tillage 23 b
Crop-Fallow Conventional Tillage 41 c
Crop-Fallow Minimum Tillage 38 c
Crop-Fallow Zero Tillage 41 c
* yields followed by the same letter do not differ significantly, based on unpaired-test (P<0.05).