Prine (1991) reported that "common ryegrass" originally referred to seed from Oregon ryegrass accessions produced in the northwestern USA. However, the term has come to include all unnamed or uncertified Italian ryegrass (annual ryegrass) seed.
Lolium multiflorum and Lolium perenne are tolerant of a wide range of soils and climates. They will tolerate temporary floods, and do better than small grains on wet soils, but perform best on well-drained soils (Miller, 1984).
Lolium multiflorum and Lolium perenne will grow on sandy soils if they are well fertilized, but do better on heavier clay or silty soils with adequate drainage. (Miller, 1984). Annual ryegrass can be used as a green manure crop in rotations. (Miller, 1984). 'Wimmera 62' is well adapted below 3,000 feet (Finch and Sharp, 1983.)
In rural roadsides of the South Sacramento Valley, annual ryegrass prevails at the pavement edge where runoff augments the water supply. Wild oat dominates the drier recovery area. Annual ryegrass also abounds in moist sites, including ditches. (R.L. Bugg, pers. comm.)
Lolium multiflorum and Lolium perenne are tolerant of a wide range of soils and climates. They will tolerate temporary floods, and do better than small grains on wet soils, but perform best on well-drained soils (Miller, 1984).
In general, annual ryegrass is adapted to irrigated farming on well-drained land (McLeod, 1982). Lolium multiflorum and Lolium perenne will grow on sandy soils if they are well fertilized, but do better on heavier clay or silty soils with adequate drainage (Miller, 1984).
Annual ryegrass has very vigorous seedlings, and provides rapid ground cover. It can be used as a cover crop in grass waterways or flood canals or on cropland subject to flooding (Miller, 1984). 'Wimmera 62' is suitable for use in areas of relatively low humidity and rainfall, but does best a minimum of 12" of rainfall (USDA-SCS, 1973). It is more drought tolerant than common ryegrass, but also does well where water ponds (Finch and Sharp, 1983).
'Wimmera 62' grows on soil types ranging from sandy loams to clays, but medium to heavy textures are best. This variety is recommended for areas of marginal soil fertility (USDA-SCS, 1973). It tolerates sites with poor drainage (source). It is well adapted to all orchard and vineyard soils below 3,000 feet (Finch and Sharp, 1983) and is suitable for heavy soils where its high biomass production is not a problem (Finch and Sharp, 1983).
Annual ryegrass shows excellent performance in mature pecan orchards (in Southern Georgia) which have little shade from late November until mid-April (Bugg, R.L., pers. comm.).
Pasture, Cover Crops, Burns, and Wildlife Habitat: Drilled - 5 lb., Broadcast - 10 lb. Critical Area Plantings: Drilled - 15 lb, Broadcast - 30 lb Temporary Turf: Precision Seeded - 60 lb, Broadcast - 120 lb Overseeding Bermuda Turf: Precision Seeded - 60 lbs - 120 lbOther recommendations include 16-22 kg/ha (Riewe and Mondart, 1985), 40 kg/ha for erosion control (Riewe and Mondart, 1985). And the suggestion by Miller (1984) that both annual and perennial ryegrasses should be sown at 20-28 kg/ha (18-25 lb/a) for pure stands, and 11-17 kg/ha (10-15 lb/a) if sown along with a legume or a small grain.
Crimson clover can be grown in conjunction with annual ryegrass. When sown in combination with companion crops, crimson clover is usually sown at 2/3 the normal rate, and the other crop at 1/3 the monocultural rate. Developmental rates of annual ryegrass and tall fescue are similar to that of crimson clover (Knight, 1985).
Recommended depth for common annual, 'Wimmera 62' and perennial ryegrasses is one-half inch (USDA-SCS, 1973; Finch and Sharp, 1983; Miller, 1984).
'Wimmera 62' should be seeded on a prepared seedbed, and seed should then be covered (Finch and Sharp, 1983).
In New York state, several cover crops were evaluated after overseeding into corn 6-18" high: ryegrass and medium red clover + ryegrass have performed well (Scott and Burt, 1985).
Because L. multiflorum cross-pollinates readily with other Lolium species, seed sold as annual ryegrass may be contaminated. Relatively-pure seed may be procured from certified variety named lots (USDA-SCS, 1973). Sources are listed in: Southern Seedsmen's Association, 1989 Directory and Buyers' Guide (40th Ed). SSA, Alexandria, Louisiana, 268 pp. (Bugg, pers. comm.)
From data presented by Jackson et al. (1993b), for mid-November-planted cover crops in March, approximate values for N contained in root systems obtained by subtraction were as follows in kg N/ha:
Annual ryegrass: 20 White mustard: 35 Oilseed radish: 58 Phacelia: 57 Merced cereal rye: 19 White senf mustard: 13
Jackson et al. (1993b) stated that, for mid-November-planted cover crops in March, root biomass figures in kg/ha were:
Annual ryegrass: 883 White mustard: 2,273 Oilseed radish: 4,128 Phacelia: 1,502 Merced cereal rye: 950 White senf mustard: 592 Standard error: 680.8 (d.f.=10)Jackson et al. (1993b) stated that, for mid-November-planted cover crops in March, root length measurements yielded the following figures during March (m/m2):
Annual ryegrass: 20,700 White mustard: 22,200 Oilseed radish: 15,300 Phacelia: 19,800 Merced cereal rye: 19600 White senf mustard: 13,100 Standard error (d.f.=10)=2,818.8Kutschera (1960) reported that annual ryegrass generally roots to a depth of 86-135 cm.
Annual ryegrass shows excellent performance in mature pecan orchards, which have little shade from late November until mid- April (Bugg, R.L, pers. comm.). Reestablishment has also been excellent in vineyards in sites as diverse as Ukiah (Mendocino Co.) and Porterville (Tulare Co.). Annual ryegrass has very vigorous seedlings, and provides rapid ground cover. It can be used as a cover crop in grass waterways or flood canals, or on cropland subject to flooding (Miller, 1984). 'Wimmera 62' can be used in similar sites as other reseeding annuals, if its high biomass production is not troublesome (Finch and Sharp, 1983).
Raderschall and Gebhardt (1990) grew three winter crops (barley, rapeseed, and Italian [annual] ryegrass) following faba bean (cv 'Alfred') in order to evaluate their abilities to accumulate residual nitrogen. Accumulation of nitrogen was as follows (kg/ha): barley ('Cosina') - 36.2, rapeseed (cv 'Buko') - 52.1, and Italian [annual] ryegrass of Welsh origin (cv 'Deltex') - 22.9. Carbon/Nitrogen ratios were: barley - 20.3, rapeseed - 22.0, and Italian [annual] ryegrass - 31.0. Dry matter (biomass) accumulation was (tons/ha): barley - 17.2, rapeseed - 25.4, and Italian [annual] ryegrass - 14.8. Rapeseed was superior in retaining nitrogen that might otherwise be leached as nitrate. However, the residues of Brassicaceae such as rapeseed tend to break down and re-release N quicker than do those of grasses (Poaceae).
Annual ryegrass is often grown in conjunction with crimson, alsike, or arrowleaf clovers (Miller, 1984). Adequate phosphorus and potassium are critical when annual ryegrass is grown with a legume (Riewe and Mondart, 1985). When seeded along with legumes (e.g., annual reseeding species) or some other grasses (e.g., perennial ryegrass), annual and perennial ryegrasses contribute to better control of weeds (Miller, 1984). In such situations, the annual ryegrass establishes first and suppresses weeds (Riewe and Mondart, 1985). Both annual and perennial ryegrasses can be sown along with small grains, such as cereal rye and to some extent oat. Oat does not complement ryegrasses as well, because forage is produced at the same time (Miller, 1984). Both annual and perennial ryegrasses can be seeded into bermuda grass sod (Miller, 1984).
Both annual and perennial ryegrasses should be sown at 20-28 kg/ha (18- 25 lb/a) for pure stands, and 11-17 kg/ha (10-15 lb/a) if sown along with a legume or a small grain (Miller, 1984).
Crimson clover can be grown in conjunction with rye, vetches, annual ryegrass, and various cereals. When sown in combination with companion crops, crimson clover is usually sown at 2/3 the normal rate and the other crop at 1/3 the monocultural rate. Developmental rates of annual ryegrass and tall fescue are similar to that of crimson clover (Knight, 1985).
Morey and Marchant (1977) reported an 8-year average for common annual ryegrass of 5,286 lbs dry forage/acre, and a three-year average yield during clipping experiments at Tifton, Georgia, as being 4820 lbs dry forage/acre. For cv 'Gulf' the corresponding three-year average was 5611 and was 5423 for 'Magnolia' (Morey and Marchant, 1977). Raderschall and Gebhardt (1990) reported that Italian [annual] ryegrass (cv 'Deltex') yielded 14.8 Mg dry matter/ha.
Miller et al. (1994) exposed residues of annual ryegrass, red clover, and oilseed radish [Raphanus satinus L. var. oleifera (DC) Metzg.] to simulated rainfall. They found that the potential P concentrations in run-off (mg/l) would be in the range of 1-3 for red clover, 4-11 for ryegrass, and 7-16 for oilseed radish. The presence of a cover crop increases the potential P concentration in run-off more than manure without incorporation. However, this potential will seldom be achieved because cover crops reduce erosion and run-off by several mechanisms.
According to Prine (1991), three- to five-year seasonal means of annual ryegrass biomass production (kg/ha) were: Surrey: 6830; Flonicla 80: 6580; Gulf: 6420; Marshall: 6540; NK Tetrablend 444: 6310 (4 years); Magnolia: 5250 (3 years); Rustmaster: 5860 (3 years).
Jackson et al. (1993b) stated that, for mid-November-planted cover crops in March, above-ground biomass figures in kg/ha were:
Annual ryegrass: 2,070 White mustard: 5,913 Oilseed radish: 4,128 Phacelia: 4,552 Merced cereal rye: 4,410 White senf mustard: 5,893 Standard error (d.f.=10)=201.3
Theiss (1990) indicated that perennial ryegrass does not appear as efficient at N uptake as are annual ryegrass and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) after high initial rates of N fertilization. However, the release of nitrogen from perennial ryegrass swards apparently takes place later in the autumn than for the other two grasses. Thick stands of grasses (perennial ryegrass, annual ryegrass and cocksfoot [Dactylis glomerata]) are more effective at N uptake than are open stands. Drought stress reduced N uptake by annual ryegrass more than by perennial ryegrass or cocksfoot. Over a 9-month period, a catch crop of annual ryegrass between crops of winter wheat and corn (maize) reduced leaching of fertilizer-derived N from 18.7 to 7.1% of the total N applied (200 kg N/ha) (Theiss, 1990). However, there was some suppression of the following maize crop after the ryegrass was plowed under (Martinez and Guiraud, 1990).
In a lysimeter study, Guiraud et al. (1990) found that a catch crop of annual ryegrass reduced the total amount of nitrate N leached from 124 kg N/ha to 40 kg N/ha. The percentages of fertilizer nitrogen in the water were 19% under bare fallow and 7% under the catch crop. To a depth of 30 cm, 23% of labeled N was retained in organic form where ryegrass had been incorporated, versus 15% under bare fallow.
Raderschall and Gebhardt (1990) grew three winter crops (barley, rapeseed, and Italian [annual] ryegrass) following faba bean (cv 'Alfred') in order to evaluate their abilities to accumulate residual nitrogen. Accumulation of nitrogen was as follows (kg/ha): barley ('Cosina') - 36.2, rapeseed (cv 'Buko') - 52.1, and Italian [annual] ryegrass of Welsh origin (cv 'Deltex') - 22.9. Carbon/Nitrogen ratios were: barley - 20.3, rapeseed - 22.0, and Italian [annual] ryegrass - 31.0. Dry matter (biomass) accumulation was (tons/ha): barley - 17.2, rapeseed - 25.4, and Italian [annual] ryegrass - 14.8. Rapeseed was superior in retaining nitrogen that might otherwise be leached as nitrate. However, the residues of Brassicaceae such as rapeseed tend to break down and re-release N quicker than do those of grasses (Poaceae) (Raderschall and Gebhardt, 1990).
Foliage of annual ryegrass can accumulate 7 or 30 kg of atmospheric ammonia nitrogen/ha during 6 weeks of the growing period (at the atmospheric concentrations of 6 or 89 micrograms of ammonia nitrogen per cubic meter) (Sommer and Jensen, 1991).
In replicated studies in Salinas, CA, Jackson et al. (1993b) reported that November-planted cover crops had attained the following total-plant N content (kg N/ha) figures by March; approximate above-ground N contents were read from a graph and are given parenthetically:
Annual ryegrass: 85 (65) White mustard: 205 (170) Oilseed radish: 200 (142) Phacelia: 182 (125) Merced cereal rye: 129 (110) White senf mustard: 161 (148) Standard error: 20.2, d.f.=10
From data presented by Jackson et al. (1993b), for mid-November-planted cover crops in March, approximate values for N contained in root systems obtained by subtraction were as follows in kg N/ha:
Annual ryegrass: 20 White mustard: 35 Oilseed radish: 58 Phacelia: 57 Merced cereal rye: 19 White senf mustard: 13
Annual ryegrasses do not fix atmospheric N, but have been used as catch crops to reduce leaching loss of nitrate through the soil profile. N content of annual ryegrass was presented as 1.37%, and total N as 24 lb/acre by Hofstetter (1988). For Williams et al. (1990), the corresponding figures were 2.1 to 2.4% and 145 to 210 lb N/ac, with uptake of soil N ranging from 50-235 kg N/a, based on a four-year study on an irrigated Yolo loam at UC Davis.
Theiss (1990) indicated that perennial ryegrass does not appear as efficient at N uptake as are annual ryegrass and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) after high initial rates of N fertilization. However, the release of nitrogen from perennial ryegrass swards apparently takes place later in the autumn than for the other two grasses. Thick stands of grasses (perennial ryegrass, annual ryegrass and cocksfoot [Dactylis glomerata]) are more effective at N uptake than are open stands. Drought stress reduced N uptake by annual ryegrass more than by perennial ryegrass or cocksfoot. Over a 9-month period, a catch crop of annual ryegrass between crops of winter wheat and corn (maize) reduced leaching of fertilizer-derived N from 18.7 to 7.1% of the total N applied (200 kg N/ha) (Theiss, 1990). However, there was some suppression of the following maize crop after the ryegrass was plowed under (Martinez and Guiraud, 1990).
In a lysimeter study, Guiraud et al. (1990) found that a catch crop of annual ryegrass reduced the total amount of nitrate N leached from 124 kg N/ha to 40 kg N/ha. The percentages of fertilizer nitrogen in the water were 19% under bare fallow and 7% under the catch crop. To a depth of 30 cm, 23% of labeled N was retained in organic form where ryegrass had been incorporated, versus 15% under bare fallow.
Raderschall and Gebhardt (1990) grew three winter crops (barley, rapeseed, and Italian [annual] ryegrass) following faba bean (cv 'Alfred') in order to evaluate their abilities to accumulate residual nitrogen. Accumulation of nitrogen was as follows (kg/ha): barley ('Cosina'): 36.2, rapeseed (cv 'Buko'): 52.1, and Italian [annual] ryegrass of Welsh origin (cv 'Deltex'): 22.9. Carbon/Nitrogen ratios were: barley - 20.3, rapeseed - 22.0, and Italian [annual] ryegrass - 31.0. Dry matter (biomass) accumulation was (tons/ha): barley - 17.2, rapeseed - 25.4, and Italian [annual] ryegrass - 14.8. Rapeseed was superior in retaining nitrogen that might otherwise be leached as nitrate. However, the residues of Brassicaceae such as rapeseed tend to break down and re-release N quicker than do those of grasses (Poaceae).
A cover crop of annual ryegrass can increase infiltration by irrigation water (Williams, 1966), and the species has therefore been suggested for vineyards (Christensen et al., 1968)
Annual ryegrasses do not fix atmospheric N but have been used as catch crops to reduce leaching loss of nitrate through the soil profile. N content of annual ryegrass was presented as 1.37%, and total N as 24 lb/acre by Hofstetter (1988). For Williams et al. (1990), the corresponding figures were 2.1 to 2.4% and 145 to 210 lb N/ac, with uptake of soil N ranging from 50-235 kg N/a, based on a four-year study on an irrigated Yolo loam at UC Davis.
Theiss (1990) indicated that perennial ryegrass does not appear as efficient at N uptake as are annual ryegrass and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) after high initial rates of N fertilization. However, the release of nitrogen from perennial ryegrass swards apparently takes place later in the autumn than for the other two grasses. Thick stands of grasses (perennial ryegrass, annual ryegrass and cocksfoot [Dactylis glomerata]) are more effective at N uptake than are open stands. Drought stress reduced N uptake by annual ryegrass more than by perennial ryegrass or cocksfoot. Over a 9-month period, a catch crop of annual ryegrass between crops of winter wheat and corn (maize) reduced leaching of fertilizer-derived N from 18.7 to 7.1% of the total N applied (200 kg N/ha) (Theiss, 1990). However, there was some suppression of the following maize crop after the ryegrass was plowed under (Martinez and Guiraud, 1990).
In a lysimeter study, Guiraud et al. (1990) found that a catch crop of annual ryegrass reduced the total amount of nitrate N leached from 124 kg N/ha to 40 kg N/ha. The percentages of fertilizer nitrogen in the water were 19% under bare fallow and 7% under the catch crop. To a depth of 30 cm, 23% of labeled N was retained in organic form where ryegrass had been incorporated, versus 15% under bare fallow.
Raderschall and Gebhardt (1990) grew three winter crops (barley, rapeseed, and Italian [annual] ryegrass) following faba bean (cv 'Alfred') in order to evaluate their abilities to accumulate residual nitrogen. Accumulation of nitrogen was as follows (kg/ha): barley ('Cosina') - 36.2, rapeseed (cv 'Buko') - 52.1, and Italian [annual] ryegrass of Welsh origin (cv 'Deltex') - 22.9. Carbon/Nitrogen ratios were: barley - 20.3, rapeseed - 22.0, and Italian [annual] ryegrass - 31.0. Dry matter (biomass) accumulation was (tons/ha): barley - 17.2, rapeseed - 25.4, and Italian [annual] ryegrass- 14.8. Rapeseed was superior in retaining nitrogen that might otherwise be leached as nitrate. However, the residues of Brassicaceae such as rapeseed tend to break down and re-release N quicker than do those of grasses (Poaceae).
Annual ryegrass has excellent palatability to livestock.
In southern Oregon pear orchards, some species of understory weeds can harbor high densities of twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). This mite is mainly a secondary pest and a creature of pesticide-disrupted or stressed agroecosystems. Among the plant species suitable for use as cover crops, ryegrass appeared of intermediate favorable as host of the mite (Flexner et al., 1990).
Resistance to crown rust (Puccinia coronata) varies among annual ryegrass cultivars, with 'Florida 80,' and 'Surrey' performing best (Prine, 1991).
Annual ryegrass is itself a weed in some orchard, vineyard, and restoration-ecology settings. It is difficult to remove by mowing because of its ability to produce horizontal culms.
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