Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK

Oklahoma Alfalfa
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station


Producers planning to sow alfalfa this spring make final plans in February. The objective of alfalfa stand establishment is to obtain about 30 vigorously growing seedlings per square foot before it gets too hot. Good planning, along with some "art" and "good farming" practices are critical to reliable stand establishment -- especially in spring.   

Although the exact steps required for successful stand establishment vary from farm to farm and from year to year, there are 12 Keys included in the Alfalfa Establishment Checklist on the right.   

Each Key is discussed in O.S.U. Extension Facts No. 2089, available at County Extension Offices. That Fact Sheet also includes several important cost considerations and a discussion of several "Special Circumstances" related to alfalfa stand establishment.   

Spring-sown alfalfa in Oklahoma is more risky than fall plantings. This is primarily due to more problems with strong drying winds, insects, weeds, and intense rains that tend to crust the soil.   

Spring planting should be between mid-March and mid-April. This allows seedlings enough time to develop good root systems prior to the onset of high temperatures (above 90F). The use of multiple-pest resistant varieties, excellent seedbeds, and a preplant incorporated herbicide, are all even more important with spring plantings.   

Spring sowing is more likely to be successful in the eastern half of the state where rainfall is normally higher. In the west, irrigation improves the probability of successful spring plantings.   

Normally only one or two cuttings are possible during the first summer for spring-sown alfalfa stands. Even in subsequent years, yields from spring-sown stands tend to be lower than stands established in late summer. It is sometimes advisable to consider sowing an annual forage crop in spring and then harvest it in time to plant alfalfa in late summer.   
Site Selection - Choose a deep, fertile, well- drained soil.  
Soil Test - Apply fertilizer and lime according to a reliable soil analysis.   
Land Preparation - Plow, level, and drain low areas, well before sowing.   
Seedbed Refinement - Develop a level, mellow, firm bed with small clods.   
Variety Choice - Select adapted, pest-resistant varieties.   
Seed Quality - Use weed-free, clean seed with good germination.   
Planting Date - Sow during Aug. 15 to Sept. 15 or March 15 to April 15.   
Seed Placement - Cover seeds with 1/2" soil and press.   
Sowing Rate - Plant 10-12 lbs./ac. of good seed.   
Equipment - Calibrate and adjust planters to place seed in a good environment.   
Seed Inoculation - Use rhizobium bacteria, specific for alfalfa.   
Pest Control - Control weeds, insects, and diseases. 
Addition Information:    

John Caddel, Forage Agronomist 
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences 
Oklahoma State University

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