There is no "guarantee" of success, and the exact steps in the establishment process may vary over locations and years. There are several Keys that merit serious consideration whenever alfalfa is planted. These Keys are listed below and addressed in more detail throughout this publication.
Site Selection - Choose a deep, fertile, well-drained soil. 

Soil Test - Apply fertilizer and lime according to a reliable soil analysis. 

Land Preparation - Plow, level, and drain low areas, well before sowing. 

Seedbed Refinement - Develop a level, mellow, firm bed with small clods. 

Variety Choice - Select adapted, pest-resistant varieties. 

Seed Quality - A small amount saved by buying "cheap" seed may cost greatly in poor stand. 

Planting Date - Sow during August 15 to September 15 or March 15 to April 15. 

Seed Placement - Cover seeds with 1/2" soil and press. 

Sowing Rate - 10-15 lb/A of good seed is adequate in a good seedbed. 

Planting Equipment - Calibrate and adjust planters to place seed into a good seedbed. 

Companion Crops - In soils subject to erosion, companion crops can help. 

Seed Inoculation - Use rhizobium bacteria, specific for alfalfa. 

Insect Control - Insects can devastate seedling alfalfa, underscoring the need to scout fields frequently. 

Weed Control - Weeds can interfere with seedling development and should be monitored closely. 

Harvesting New Stands, Heaving, & Thickening Old Stands -- Create many questions. 

Budget Constraints - Cash flow problems may lead to poor decisions. Stand establishment is only as good as the weakest link in the planting process. 

Site Selection - Choose a deep, fertile, well-drained soil. 

Soil Test - Apply fertilizer and lime according to a reliable soil analysis. 

Land Preparation - Plow, level, and drain low areas, well before sowing. 

Seedbed Refinement - Develop a level, mellow, firm bed with small clods. 

Variety Choice - Select adapted, pest-resistant varieties. 

Seed Quality - A small amount saved by buying "cheap" seed may cost greatly in poor stand. 

Planting Date - Sow during August 15 to September 15 or March 15 to April 15. 

Seed Placement - Cover seeds with 1/2" soil and press. 

Sowing Rate - 10-15 lb/A of good seed is adequate in a good seedbed. 

Planting Equipment - Calibrate and adjust planters to place seed into a good seedbed. 

Companion Crops - In soils subject to erosion, companion crops can help. 

Seed Inoculation - Use rhizobium bacteria, specific for alfalfa. 

Insect Control - Insects can devastate seedling alfalfa, underscoring the need to scout fields frequently. 

Weed Control - Weeds can interfere with seedling development and should be monitored closely. 

Harvesting New Stands, Heaving, & Thickening Old Stands -- Create many questions. 

Budget Constraints - Cash flow problems may lead to poor decisions. Stand establishment is only as good as the weakest link in the planting process.


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