EPTAM 7-E (EPTC) 2 qt product/A |
Thoroughly incorporate immediately after application in the top 2 to 3 inches of soil. Good preplant option for fall planted alfalfa if expect a lot of cheat and volunteer wheat problems. EPTAM can be metered into irrigation water on established alfalfa stands. See instructions on the label for additional information. |
BALAN DF (benefin) See label for rate. |
Thoroughly incorporate soon after application. If disk is used, set it to cut 4 inches deep to get thorough mixing in the top 2 inches of soil. Will control annual ryegrass but usually not effective on volunteer small grain and other cool-season annual grasses. See instructions on the label. |
TREFLAN HFP (trifluralin) 1 to 1.5 pt/A |
TREFLAN HFP has received supplemental label for weed control in seedling alfalfa during establishment. This will provide an additional effective herbicide to use for establishment of alfalfa planted in the spring, since TREFLAN HFP will control many of the summer annual weeds that compete with seedling alfalfa planted in the spring. However, TREFLAN HFP is not that effective on many of the cool-season weeds like volunteer wheat and cheat. Use rate according to soil type, and proper incorporation is critical, since severe crop damage and stunting can result. Our experience has been that some stand reduction and stunting of alfalfa may occur with TREFLAN HFP, but reduced weed competition will allow establishment of a quality stand. |
BUTYRAC 200 (2,4-DB amine) 1 to 3 qt product/A |
Important to apply when weeds are less than 3 inches tall and actively growing. For control of cool-season broadleaf weeds, spray in the fall during a warm spell (day temperature 70oF and night temperature above 40oF). Seedling dock can be controlled in seedling stands, but established dock in established alfalfa cannot be controlled with BUTYRAC 200. If the field has a history of a dock problem, spraying in the fall after fall planting of alfalfa is suggested. See instruction on label about 30 day haying and grazing restriction on established alfalfa and 60 day restriction for seedling stand. |
PURSUIT DG (imazethapyr) 1.08 to 2.16 oz product/A |
PURSUIT received label clearance to be used on alfalfa in January of 1995. The two major areas where it is effective are as early postemergence treatment on spring planted alfalfa and as "after 1st harvest treatment" on established stands where pigweeds and annual grasses are becoming a problem due to thinning stands. Grass control with PURSUIT often is marginal. Very important to treat weeds less than 3 inches tall and actively growing. Some crop rotation restrictions after application, so read label before using. |
Karmex DF (diuron) 2 to 3.8 lb 80W/A |
Do not use on sandy soil. Do not plant treated areas to other crops for 2 years. Apply after alfalfa becomes dormant in the fall but before crop growth begins in the spring. Provides fair to good control of most winter weeds and some control of summer weeds. |
SINBAR (terbacil) 0.5 to 1.5 lb/A 80W per acre |
This herbicide controls a broad spectrum of annual cool-season weeds. Apply after alfalfa becomes dormant but before new growth begins in the spring. Do not use on sandy soils. Best results have been with about 2/3 lb product/A applied in February to control cool season annuals. Do not expect to control summer grasses and broadleaf weeds with dormant applications of SINBAR. Fair to good control of pigweeds is possible with 0.75 lb/A of SINBAR applied after first harvest to emerging weeds, providing 1-inch rainfall is received within one week after application. |
Sencor r, Lexone
r (metribuzin) See labels for rate |
Treat only stands established 1 year or more. Apply to dormant alfalfa after growth ceases in the fall or before growth begins in the spring for control of a number of winter weed species. Not very effective for summer weed control. |
VELPAR (hexazinone) 1 to 3 qt product/A |
This herbicide controls a broad spectrum of winter weeds. Apply after alfalfa becomes dormant but before new growth begins in the spring. Best results have been with the 0.5 lb/A applied for control of cool-season annuals in western Oklahoma. Very water soluble, so excessive rainfall after application can result in dilution and ineffective weed control. Treat only stands that have been established 1 year or more. Not effective for control of summer weeds. Do not use on sandy soil. |
TREFLAN E.C. (trifluralin) 1.5 to 2 pt product/A |
Use incorporation equipment that will insure thorough soil mixing with a minimum of damage to alfalfa. TREFLAN can be metered into irrigation water on established stands. Rate depends on rainfall, so see instructions on the label. Some excellent control of summer weeds have resulted on sandier soils when used after flash grazing alfalfa in the winter. |
TREFLAN TR-10 (10% trifluralin granule) 20 lb of product/A |
Has label clearance for control of barnyardgrass, crabgrass, and foxtail in established alfalfa where TREFLAN TR-10 can be activated by rainfall/overhead sprinkler irrigation or mechanical incorporation. Some control of summer weeds has been reported, but getting uniform application with available equipment is a problem. |
ZORIAL 80W (norflurazon) 1.25 to 2.5 lb/A |
ZORIAL 80W recently received supplemental labeling for control of weeds in established alfalfa. ZORIAL 80W is a preemerge herbicide that is most effective on some of the warm-season grasses. It is one of the most dependable herbicides labeled for season-long control of warm-season grasses such as crabgrass and foxtails, when applied at 2.5 lb/A during the winter dormant season. Season-long control at the 1.25 rate during the winter dormant season has not been as consistent as the higher rate, but may be a viable option with timely applications and some follow-up treatments. Excellent season-long control of summer grass has resulted in some years with dormant applications of the 1.25 lb/A rate. However, in years of above average rainfall, an additional 1.25 lb/A application may be needed. Excellent control of summer grasses has also been obtained when the 1.25 rate was applied after 1st harvest when grasses were just emerging and rain was received within a couple of days. If it does not rain, then emerged grasses would need to be controlled with a foliage-active herbicide like SELECT or POAST PLUS. Since ZORIAL 80W will not control emerged cool-season weeds when applied during the winter dormant period of alfalfa, it will need to be used in combination with a standard dormant herbicide treatment used to control cool-season weeds. |
POAST PLUS (sethoxydim) 1.5 to 3.75 pt/A |
Poast is active on many grasses, so avoid all contact with desirable grasses. POAST PLUS is an improved formulation that has UV protectant penetrate included in the formulation. It is very important to add an oil concentrate or Dash, and that weeds be small and actively growing when treated. See label for additional details on rates and application. Best results for johnsongrass control would be to do spot spraying of clumps. |
SELECT 2EC (clethodim) 6 to 8 fl oz/A |
SELECT received label expansion for control of both weedy grasses in alfalfa on April 8, 1998. SELECT has been evaluated several years for control of summer grasses and its use and effectiveness has been very similar to that of POAST PLUS. Both herbicides are effective only on grasses; require an oil concentrate for best activity; need to be applied to actively growing grasses; and neither has any residual activity. Volunteer cereals, some of the Bromus spp., and ryegrass are listed as controlled with SELECT. Our experience with SELECT on cool-season grasses is limited, so may want to only try SELECT on limited acres until we learn more about how it performs on the various cool-season grasses. |
(paraquat) 12.8 fl oz product/A |
Apply to established stands (at
least 1 year old) immediately after cutting. Do not treat more than 5 days after cutting.
Weeds beyond the seedling stage are not always controlled and weeds that germinate after
spraying are not controlled. Make 1 to 3 applications as needed, during the cutting
season. Good option for dodder control after 2nd or 3rd cutting. Do not use
on disease stressed alfalfa. |
KERB 50-W r
(pronamide) 1 to 3 lb product/A |
Primarily used for control of
cool-season grasses. Irrigation or rainfall is necessary to move the herbicide into the
soil. Rate depends on weed problem and soil type. For control of annual bromes and
volunteer wheat with the low rate, applications need to be applied before weeds are two
inches tall which usually means fall applied. See label for grass species. |